Twenty years ago, Sciences Po has created a specific curriculum dedicated to Urban Developpement in the south for young professionals to respond to an increasing demand for strengthened policy and professionals responses to that global challenge. It is designed to complete existing academic studies and technical to design cities. In between, it is necessary to build an institutional, economical social and environmental comprehensive approach to build governance and policy adapted to each situation. One of the main question is to provide basic services, in particular concerning utilities and mobility, which are crucial for livable cities in a fast growing urbanization. To address that challenge, the cursus was partly based on academics and researchers with a senior professionals panel specialized in the main topics as water supply, waste management, energy services and global mobility solutions. It’s completed by an specialized six month internship overseas and professionals individual and collectives reports on real cases ( urban studies, bidding offers, sectoral on site reports). Twenty years after, more than 250 alumni are now working all around the world, for largest environmental companies, major international consultants, IFI’s and UN agencies, National and local authorities and NGO’s. The recent crises, as Covid29 pandemics and the war in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, are focused on urban battles. To address those topics, and Based on that success story, Sciences Po Rennes, Together with other Universities in Brittany has decided to launch next September 2022 a “transition” academic program including urban sanitary, resilience and environmental specialization, with a double combined cursus for training technical and policy makers. That new offer is divided in four domain as , urban health, urban resilience, urban sustainable utilities and urban engineering, which offer specializations for the different Master degrees. 2./ One of the main activities during the two years cursus of students is to prepare and realize a collective mission abroad, during an international summit as World Water Forum, Africites summit, or next October Codatu-MobilizeyourCity & climate chance summit in Dakar. With national fellows, our students are mandated by the conference secretary to report on the main sessions, to promote practical tools for project assessments and organize panels of international experts and stakeholders.
Increased and equal access to basic services, sustainable mobility and public space (most indicators at outcome level measure institutional outcome)
Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable