Welcome to the Urban Agenda Community!

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 Once registered, community members can join groups directly or submit requests to join groups. Posts in the group will be visible only to registered members.


UPCOMING DISCUSSION FORUMS (*click on the title to access forum)

 1. Forum on Quality of Law and Related Indicators of the New Urban Agenda Monitoring Framework

The Webinar on “Quality of Law and Related Indicators of the New Urban Agenda Monitoring Framework” took place on 20 May 2021. It covered the following three indicators:

  • Presence of national legislation forbidding discrimination in housing, access to public facilities and social services based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
  • Do local authorities exercise their authority and fulfil their responsibilities in accordance with such procedures and in such cases as provided for by the constitution or by law.
  • Quality of law.

During the PowerPoint presentation it was pointed out that Laws and regulations may seem neutral at face value, but in practice have the effect of excluding some individuals/groups from the provision of basic services. For example: a country might have a law that gives the right to water and sanitation to everyone. However, many public utilities require applicants for water and electricity connections to submit many documents including title deeds. This has the practical effect of excluding informal settlers in urban areas from basic services.
We would like members of this Forum to give us similar examples of situations in their country where a right to a service exists but only if one has a title deed. Participants are welcome to share comments on other aspects of the Quality of Law and related indicators.

2. Arab Region Member States Focal Points – Voluntary National Reports Discussion Forum

We are pleased to invite all Member States Focal Points for the Arab States region to our first community group which is now open for discussions. As a member of this community, you will benefit from seeing how others are progressing with preparing their national reports as well as interact with other Member State Focal points.  

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on urbanagendaplatform@un.org should you have any questions.



  1. Urban Agenda Platform team will review and approve join requests to certain groups. The team members are allocated as administrators to spark and keep discussions active when needed.  
  2. Everyone registered on the platform. Community members can share posts and reply to posts.
  3. Registered members will submit requests to join groups. If the group is public, the user joins the group automatically. If the group is private, the group administrator approval will be required.
  4. Posts submitted by members will be posted automatically without any approval processes to ensure discussions stay active and uninterrupted regardless of time zone differences. Administrators will be filtering posts once uploaded to ensure they are relevant.
  5. All posts should be related to the theme of the group and the topic of discussion. Posts can include the following; text posts, links to external websites/articles/pages, photo attachments, file attachments, polls/ surveys.