The concept of the 2000-Watt Society aims to lower energy consumption to the current world average of 2000 watts.
The certificate for 2000-Watt Sites is a distinction awarded to settlement areas able to demonstrate a sustainable treatment of resources for the construction of buildings and their operation and renewal, as well as the mobility generated by operation. The certificate for 2000-Watt Sites is a distinction awarded to settlement areas able to demonstrate a sustainable treatment of resources for the construction of buildings and their operation and renewal, as well as the mobility generated by operation. Proof is established by means of the measured operating values. The certificate is awarded on two levels: «site being developed» and «operational site». The «site being developed» certificate is valid until more than 50% of the building area can be used for the new designated purpose. The site is then considered «operational». The two levels differ in the proof required and the tolerance range established for progress towards objectives..
Integrated planning and design + Reduced environmental footprint + Towards equity
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Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable