Farmers are essential to feeding people in cities, towns, and villages. They constitute part of the food supply chain, and a significant element of the urban-rural continuum. Urban agriculture is on the rise and with it is the increased role of farmers in reducing hunger, poverty and ensuring health cities.
The New Urban Agenda, an action oriented and people centred agenda, is not only about “urban”, but is also about all spaces and all sizes of human settlements. The development gap between urban and rural areas is still large and urgently needs to be bridged. It is widely acknowledged that urban growth has a positive impact on economic development, but still most of the world’s poor live in rural areas. They lack access to basic services, water and sanitation, energy, education, medical and social services and food. Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages is one way of implementing the New Urban Agenda and making sure no-one is left behind.
In this publication, UN-Habitat defines priority actions and identifies key actors to improve Urban-Rural Linkages in line with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda. The document focuses on the need for partnerships to foster dialogue and cooperation between international agencies, United Nations Member States, all levels of government, civil society, private sector and all other stakeholders working in this field.
Rural and urban areas can benefit from each other if well connected! They are linked through dynamic flows of people, goods, money, information and also waste. However, rural and urban areas are mostly looked at separately – even though they are affected by the same challenges such as globalisation, climate change, population growth or migration. What would happen if we would think them together?
Source: GIZ
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