
Solution Category: Resilience 4 Cities

Background and Objective

Lincoln Public Market will present programs for farmers on regenerative agriculture and carbon capture, foregoing use of chemicals and benefits of organic farming, and ways of mitigating effects of flooding and drought. Both Lincoln Public Market and EcoStore will divert thousands of tons of food and C&D waste from public landfills, removing hazardous materials from the waste cycle. Shortened materials and food supply chains will help air quality and lower emissions, while mitigating waste. Partnership for electric transport of foods and materials will reduce emissions. The Center will be powered by a 100% renewable microgrid. A wide range of long-established partnerships with building contractors, DIYers, farmers, food wholesalers, NGOs and other food providers, institutional kitchens, restaurants and grocers, food processors and distributors, artists, financial and business advisors, as well as university and city officials and personnel make LNK Center a dynamic, vibrant and transparent enterprise. Grass-roots residents have been involved in the planning of both Lincoln Public Market and EcoStore, and the continued participation of these neighbors and other residents will be not only encouraged, but vital. (..) Read more: Other links :


North America

Climate Action Solution Category

Resilience 4 Cities

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

New Urban Agenda Commitments