GESI Guidelines for the participatory planning methods for Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey

GESI Guidelines for the participatory planning methods for Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey


This GESI Guide provides implementation strategies and steps for individual participatory

planning for 8 underrepresented groups addressed in the pilot project area “Women, Elderly, Children and Youth, Disabled people, Visitors and Minorities, Migrants and Low-Income groups” to improve social inclusion and integration. For each of the selected groups, this document compiles a summary of checklists; identification of local groups and individuals, testing the engagement approach, effective communication, time and space, capacity building and legal requirements. A list of KPIs is also included to monitor and evaluate social inclusion aspects.



Civil Society Organizations and CBOs





Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

New Urban Agenda Commitments

Building urban governance structures to establish a supportive framework
Capacity Development
Planning and Managing Urban Spatial Development
Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Prosperity and Opportunities for All

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