Climate Smart Agriculture

Source of Action
World Urban Forum
2023 - 2024
Last Updated
27 March 2023


Bamboo Foundation has significant working ecology in two regions of the country with a large base of stakeholders particularly youths and women farmers. Bamboo Foundation will provide technical assistance and assistance for capacity building to target communities under the project and Village Development Committees and local authorities in each region will provide technical staff and the lands for the establishment of Nursery gardens and bamboo plantations. Livelihood projects as well as maintaining ecological balance for the project to be enhanced and developed. The proponents will attend national and international forum of Bamboo and other related activities The e Gambia has forest cover of 480000 hectares (about 44% of the total land area) but nearly 70% of these forests are degraded. The country has primary forest of 477,800 hectares and planted forest 9f 1400 hectares ( Forest Resources Assessments 2010) The major part of te County belongs to the Sudano Sahelian agro ecological zone with a pronounced dry season from October to May, the natural vegetation zone 8s woodland savannah. The National Forest Policy 2010 - 2019, this is currently the central policy instrument for forest management in the Gambia. The policy has the following objectives *Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department of Forestry and non state actors involved in the management and implementation of natural resources programs *Integration of DoF into the medium and long term national development framework *Ensuring that te Department of Forestry creates multiplier effects on the forest resources management and the domestic economy in general *

Outcomes and Impacts

Increased and equal access to basic services, sustainable mobility and public space (most indicators at outcome level measure institutional outcome), Improved resource efficiency and protection of ecological assets, Effective adaptation of communities and infrastructure to climate change, Enhanced social integration and inclusive communities

Level of Activity


Lead Entity

Bamboo Foundation The Gambia

Key Dates

Start year: 1/1/2023

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss