Introduction Abarigani is Swahili, translated in English, What's the News? Abarigani has become a start-up, which Doumafis, in collaboration with a cadre of local artists, launched in Boston, MA, in December 2021, to bridge the gap in planning and design inherent in the implementation of strategic master plan intended to revitalize certain inner-cities that have experienced long-term urban blight. The UN Habitat, in its most recent report on Urbanization, noted there is a lack of planning in neighborhoods that need it the most. Abarigani shares the vision of municipalities to build the Better Urban Future. Toward this end, it measures its outcome by the number of developments it connects its clients. Description At its core Abarigani is a Learning Organization that empowers its clients to take action for better neighborhood future. The best practices of Abarigani emanate from the evidence that shows sustainability occurs through information sharing. This empowerment is achieved based on a comprehensive community action plan that emphasizes purpose, design, agenda, and follow-up. Getting the right clients on board is a prerequisite to building the team of empowered participants to envision, develop, operate, and evaluate the project. It then follows, Hybrid Meeting is conceived as decision making for strategy, policy, business, and financial oversight. Marketing The ongoing marketing and outreach to highlight the service and product that Abarigani offers to private developers, city planners, and owners of small- medium-enterprises (SME) is based on the concept of Community Building. At its lowest level it involves the positive message distributed by word of mouth, posting, and information table. Its upper level consists of email marketing and social media engagement through hashtag and other memes.
Improved living standards and inclusion of migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees through effective crisis response and recovery
Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development