Healthy environments: why do they matter and what can we do?

Healthy environments: why do they matter and what can we do?


This document aims to provide the rationale for action to improve health through healthy environments, and an overview of key actions to take. It aims to support policy-makers and others who can influence health determinants to navigate through the various environmental health areas. These actors can thus obtain a brief overview of preventive, intersectoral action in this area to achieve sustainable health gains and reduce health care costs. The document provides an initial overview and overall policy directions, and refers to more detailed information for the next steps.

The topics were selected to capture the most relevant actions for health improvement, which are of global relevance, and on which we have sufficient information on impacts and actions required. At the end of each topic, a list of sectoral policies interacting with the topic is presented. Although not exhaustive, these examples highlight where cooperation with other sectors may be required to sustainably reduce risks to health. For example, it may not be possible to achieve clean air without cooperating with the energy sector on cleaner energy solutions, the transport sector on healthy and sustainable transport solutions, or the agriculture sector to take measures to stop burning crop waste. Additional sectors to those cited may be relevant, such as education, which is pertinent to many health and environment areas.


WHO - World Health Organization




Environmental Resilience

Public Health

Strategy & Planning

Waste Management

Water & Sanitation

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

New Urban Agenda Commitments

Environmentally Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development
Planning and Managing Urban Spatial Development


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