Shaping urbanization for children

Shaping urbanization for children


This publication calls all urban stakeholders to invest in child-responsive urban planning, recognizing that cities are not only drivers of prosperity, but also of inequity. Through 10 Children’s Rights and Urban Planning principles, the handbook presents concepts, evidence, tools and promising practices to create thriving and equitable cities where children live in healthy, safe, inclusive, green and prosperous communities. By focusing on children, it provides guidance on the central role that urban planning should play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, from a global perspective to a local context.


UNICEF - UN Children's Fund




Planning & Design

Social Inclusion

Strategy & Planning

Youth & Livelihoods

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

New Urban Agenda Commitments

Building urban governance structures to establish a supportive framework
Planning and Managing Urban Spatial Development
Sustainable Urban Development for Social Inclusion and Ending Poverty

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