Sustainable urban development and the review of progress on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda at the five Regional Forum for Sustainable Development in 2022


The Regional Forum for Sustainable Development (RFSDs) coordinated by Regional Economic Commissions (RCs) constitute a key component of the UN’s regional architecture for follow up and review of the SDGs. Regional Commissions have integrated the New Urban Agenda and localisation as priorities for acceleration of the SDGs through the RFSDs. This has allowed for the contextualisation of the New Urban Agenda within regionally specific agreements, priorities and realities. The engagement of local and regional governments has also been steadily becoming more prominent at the RFSDs leading to improved local-national coordination of SDG implementation. This document presents are some highlights of how the RCs are building bridges between the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs, bringing local development issues to the regional dialogue and facilitating local-national-regional dialogue.





Local Economic Development


Resilience & Risk Reduction

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

New Urban Agenda Commitments

Planning and Managing Urban Spatial Development
Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Prosperity and Opportunities for All


RFSD Report cover

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