Actions to achieve Sustainable Urban Development

Why actions matter in achieving the 2030 Agenda

We have less than seven years remaining to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2020, the United Nations Secretary-General called upon a Decade of Action to accelerate and mobilise solutions at local and global levels and fully engage partners, people and communities across all sectors to leverage transformative changes. Therefore, it is crucial to collect and monitor committed actions and advance the progress and achievement of the Agenda 2030.

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WUF 11 – The Katowice Declared Actions

The eleventh session of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) took place in Katowice, Poland, from 26 to 30 June 2022 under the theme Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future.

The theme’s relevance is stark as the world comes together to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, especially after the devastating effects of Covid-19 and the refugee situation due to the crisis in Ukraine.

The WUF11 concluded with the Katowice Declared Actions. These declared actions will carry the sustainable development agenda forward to the next World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt in January 2024, and beyond. They include recommendations and commitments that representatives of government, civil society and the private sector take back to their home cities for further discussion and implementation. WUF11 Katowice Declared Actions are voluntary actions and commitments that support the NUA implementation and accelerate the SDGs’ attainment. 

WUF 10 - The Abu Dhabi Declared Actions
The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10) debated issues related to rapid urbanisation, building inclusive and resilient cities, and taking steps to accelerate their work towards the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Decade of Action. WUF10 began with a call to action and concluded with the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions committed by different partners and stakeholder groups.

The Abu Dhabi Declared Actions comprises actions committed on a voluntary basis by governments, partners, individuals, communities, and the business sector from cities and countries around the world to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Actions were produced in consultation with the WUF10 Advisory Group representatives from diverse urban development partners. The Actions are strategic level goals that will result from implementing new initiatives from various institutions and actors.

For more information on the Declared Actions, please visit here.

The first report on the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions: one year of implementation was published in 2021. The report details successes and highlights actions partners are engaging in to fulfil their commitments.

Actions At-a-Glance

Catalyzing Women Leaders Global Initiative

As presented by the Women Leaders Global Initiative at the Networking Event Women Led Business supporting Women Led Cities, Nexus Latam & Brazil would like to join efforts with UN-Habitat, UNCDF and BlendGroup, to catalyze the Women Global Leaders Initiative, starting with Latin America. We are analyzing cities where the pilot could be implemented, as Bogota and Cali / Colombia, São Paulo - where WL understandings have already started. UN recognizes women leadership as a real driver for positive change orientated by and for SDGs, and bringing cities as the space for the convergences. UN coordinates and promotes the WOMEN-LED GLOBAL INITIATIVE, a Coalition of selected and representative group of women leaders committed to the promotion of the acceleration and achievements of the SDGs, through cities and the 2030 Agenda. It will be a co-building process to create a strong women leaders community, as a space of promotion of the SDGs with equity and women inclusion. Strengthening and encouraging Faith Communities that work together to drive local bottom-up evidence-based transformation and channel financial resources from faith-based entities at the global level. Women-led Global Initiative specialized programmes mobilized through women-led businesses supporting women mayors and their cities. Provides training and technical backstopping for each of the SDG Cities tracks in collaboration with Global Hubs. Facilitates exchange of experience and practices amongst women leaders, provides seed investment into transformative projects and supports larger scale investment through business networks and the City Investment Facility
Source: World Urban Forum

Driving Sustainable Urbanisation in Alberta, Canada

1. Implementation of Compressed Air Pipeline Systems to transition 500 residents living in traditional fossil-fuel dependent communities to clean energy by 2024. 2. Support and sponsor the training of 4 young professionals in Alberta to develop climate literacy and technical expertise to contribute to climate action, sustainable urbanisation and discourse
Source: World Urban Forum

Trees planting action

Improve the living standard of the slum with impact on providing infrastructures, tree planting , and community participation.
Source: World Urban Forum

Sustainability In Built

1. 'Sustainability In-Built' is our motto for all actions or services we take/provide 2. Providing access to quality education at pre-school stage is our objective - we intake 30 to 40 students from economically/socially deprived communities. Children are between 3 to 6 years of age. 3. Providing access to 10 to 15 Students from community to 'after school' education. This creates conducive environment for them which they lack at home. 4. Create awareness amongst stake holders about the Sustainability through Seminars and Contact Programs - We committ to hold 10 such events during the period of two years. 5. We In-Build the Sustainability Features in allbour Projects we Consult for
Source: World Urban Forum

Information for Transformation: Enabling Libraries to be Drivers of Local Transformation

Over the course of the action, we will develop a toolkit of resources, based on experience, of how libraries can play an active role in transformational local development. This will include focus on regeneration, security (working with CERLALC), a culture of lifelong learning (working with UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning), democratic engagement and decision-making, and wellbeing. The toolkit will include both higher level reference texts, such as the freshly renewed IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, case studies and checklists. The logic behind the action is that libraries, including their collections, spaces and staff, have a unique contribution to make through allowing people to engage with and use information more skillfully and effectively. This is a precondition for better decision-making, as well as engagement in economic, social, political and cultural life. The immediate impact, we hope, will be to encourage a new level of activism among libraries and those responsible for them within local and regional governments in favour of mobilising the field to realise its potential to drive change. We also hope that it can act as a reminder to broader local and regional governments that in libraries, they have a valuable, pre-existing resource which can be engaged in order to achieve policy goals. The longer term outcome, we hope, is that libraries are more systematically mobilised in order to support the achievement of wider policy goals, thereby supporting positive community transformation in the context of sustainable urbanisation.
Source: World Urban Forum

Urban Planning and Design

GPEAN will continue to be involved in the WUF and Urban Thinkers Campus Events. GPEAN is committed to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and promotion of SDG’s and will work towards that end through World Planning Schools Congresses where pressing issues such as mitigation and adaptation to climate chance, equity, social inclusion, socio-spatial justice and equal distribution of resources, equal access to basic services, sustainable mobility, climate justice and just transition etc. will be addressed as major themes. GPEAN Dialogues Series will also continue to focus on these thematic areas publishing scientific research in these areas and continue to be an important vehicle to share knowledge. GPEAN will also focus on these themes through various seminars and round table discussions it organizes and will contribute to the sharing of knowledge and experience in these areas and raise awareness. Most importantly, GPEAN will continue to encourage the inclusion of these thematic areas in the curriculum of planning schools of its member associations.
Source: World Urban Forum

Sustainable Innovation Zones/Communities

Sustainable Innovation Zones and Communities in Porto Alegre and Santo Angelo, Brazil; Panama City, Panama; Western Sydney, Australia; Wheaton/Montgomery County, Maryland (US); Poznan, Poland; and in many other cities and countries by 2030 will reduce greenhouse gas emissions; grow businesses, jobs, and incomes through Sustainable Innovation; promote green energy, sustainable mobility, and circular economy solutions; and generate inclusive prosperity to help transform communities, cities, and urban regions and enable the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement, New Urban Agenda, and Sendai Framework by 2030. Each individual Sustainable Innovation Zone/Community develops its own goals and measures ongoing progress in accomplishments through a wide variety of data sources and institutional methodologies.
Source: World Urban Forum

Inclusive Cities - Global Action Report

The Global Disability Innovation Hub will lead inclusive design thinking of cities by influencing and working with partners and produce an evidence-based global action report on how to deliver inclusive design in cities, co-produced with persons with disabilities and local partners – in support of the SDGs and NUA. This report will be applicable to all cities seeking to be more inclusive and will be produced and in the public domain by WUF12.
Source: World Urban Forum

Inclusive Citizenship in Informal Settlements through AT

We will continue to work on urban issues with persons with disabilities living in informal settlements, helping to enable their participation and inclusive citizenship – including through Assistive Technology (AT). The impact will be to bring these voices to the conversation, supporting more inclusive outcomes and cities as a result. This work can be measured by considering the additional participation that has taken place and tracking the inclusive outcomes as a result.
Source: World Urban Forum

Research disability inclusive, climate resilient cities to produce case studies of good practice, working with partners and organisations such as the Asian Development Bank

This research will provide much needed evidence on the transformative impact of urban development initiatives that address climate resilience and inclusive of persons with disabilities simultaneously. Persons with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change and therefore a resilient future cannot exist without the inclusion of persons with disabilities in climate action. This evidence will provide case studies that can support our partners and influence their work in the first instance. The impact will be measured by the uptake of the research and tracking the momentum of the movement for disability inclusive and climate resilient cities. Our hope is that by next World Urban Forum our library of case studies will have grown to evidence the synergy between the movements for disability inclusion and climate resilience - creating an inclusive and equitable future for all.
Source: World Urban Forum