Actions to achieve Sustainable Urban Development

Why actions matter in achieving the 2030 Agenda

We have less than seven years remaining to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2020, the United Nations Secretary-General called upon a Decade of Action to accelerate and mobilise solutions at local and global levels and fully engage partners, people and communities across all sectors to leverage transformative changes. Therefore, it is crucial to collect and monitor committed actions and advance the progress and achievement of the Agenda 2030.

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WUF 11 – The Katowice Declared Actions

The eleventh session of the World Urban Forum (WUF11) took place in Katowice, Poland, from 26 to 30 June 2022 under the theme Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future.

The theme’s relevance is stark as the world comes together to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, especially after the devastating effects of Covid-19 and the refugee situation due to the crisis in Ukraine.

The WUF11 concluded with the Katowice Declared Actions. These declared actions will carry the sustainable development agenda forward to the next World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt in January 2024, and beyond. They include recommendations and commitments that representatives of government, civil society and the private sector take back to their home cities for further discussion and implementation. WUF11 Katowice Declared Actions are voluntary actions and commitments that support the NUA implementation and accelerate the SDGs’ attainment. 

WUF 10 - The Abu Dhabi Declared Actions
The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10) debated issues related to rapid urbanisation, building inclusive and resilient cities, and taking steps to accelerate their work towards the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Decade of Action. WUF10 began with a call to action and concluded with the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions committed by different partners and stakeholder groups.

The Abu Dhabi Declared Actions comprises actions committed on a voluntary basis by governments, partners, individuals, communities, and the business sector from cities and countries around the world to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Actions were produced in consultation with the WUF10 Advisory Group representatives from diverse urban development partners. The Actions are strategic level goals that will result from implementing new initiatives from various institutions and actors.

For more information on the Declared Actions, please visit here.

The first report on the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions: one year of implementation was published in 2021. The report details successes and highlights actions partners are engaging in to fulfil their commitments.

Actions At-a-Glance

Continue to work on urban issues with persons with disabilities living in informal settlements, helping to enable their participation and inclusive citizenship - including through Assistive Technology.

Enhanced inclusion of persons with disabilities in cities and urban planning, including through inclusive innovation ecosystems. Supporting poverty alleviation for persons with disabilities who live in informal settlements who are often most marginalised.
Source: World Urban Forum

Implementing the 27 references to ageing, older persons in the New Urban Agenda

Making the lives of older persons globally as well as for all by making their communities age friendly
Source: World Urban Forum

Lead inclusive design thinking of cities and produce an evidence based global action report on how to deliver inclusive design in cities, Co-produced with persons with disabilities in support of the SDGs and New Urban Agenda

GDI Hub will lead inclusive design thinking of cities by influencing and working with partners and produce an evidence based global action report on how to deliver inclusive design in cities, Co-produced with persons with disabilities in support of the SDGs and NUA. Through evidence built from the UK Aid funded AT2030 programme we will deliver a Global Action report that demonstrates evidence based and tangible actions to deliver more inclusive cities for persons with disabilities. Through working with partners to deliver city case studies we will identify common challenges and opportunities to implementing inclusive design in cities. This research has been delivered in partnership with: Universal Progress ILC, Tegan Niigem, AIFO and Asian Development Bank in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; NIUA and Koran Society in Varanasi, India; Kota Kita in Surakarta, Indonesia; Kilimanjaro Blind Trust and Kounkuey Design Initiative in Nairobi, Kenya and SLURC in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The Global Action Report will be delivered with additional support from key global partners in disability-inclusive urban development such as World Blind Union. The impact of the report will be measured by reach to different cities and declared actions from cities themselves , with the aim of supporting pilot projects. The report itself will provide concrete areas of action to deliver inclusive cities, such as cities appointing inclusive design champions who can provide strategic leadership in this area. The Global Action Report will also demonstrate the potential of inclusive design to support the targets of the SDGs and NUA and benefits for social inclusion at large. A disability-inclusive city is a resilient and inclusive city for all.
Source: World Urban Forum

Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible de las pueblos y ciudades de San Luis. El caso de la ciudad mas joven de Argentina: La Punta

El mayor impacto esperado es sobre la planificación del crecimiento urbano ordenado y el crecimiento sostenido de la inversión publica (en obras de servicios básicos: agua, saneamiento, gas, electricidad) y de las inversiones privadas en proyecto de urbanización con las mas altos estándares de proyectos pensando en una ciudad innovadora en cuestiones de gestión ambiental en todos sus procesos. Es la ciudad mas joven de Argentina, y esta en constante crecimiento por lo que requiere urgente de un a planificación urbana que asegure la sostenibilidad ambiental, económica y social de sus habitantes actuales y futuros. La Indicadores a medir serian: Porcentaje de crecimiento de la población y origen de la misma (estadística poblacional) Porcentaje de inversiones privada en proyectos de urbanizaciones sustentables Número de proyectos urbanísticos con gestión ambiental y social aprobada por autoridades provinciales Otros.
Source: World Urban Forum

Writer- Your organization will be quoted and promoted on the WUF Portal as a committed organization.

Faithflows programs are designed to engage, educate, empower, and equip disadvantaged young people to elevate themselves and their communities out of poverty and is aligned to the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals for 2030. As the fastest growing segment of the world population, Kenya's youth is a force for positive change and can change the whole country for the better. They are the next generation of problem solvers with the potential to build and invent new technologies that can transform the continent, and bring back dignity in social life. It’s undoubtedly time to shift the goal towards providing sustainable solutions. Giving youth the ability to succeed in the real-world by equipping them with the necessary skills and techniques to succeed in a specific industry as entrepreneurs. Immediate result and ways of measuring results. -More youth register for skilled related courses(Education) -More youth start small scale business.
Source: World Urban Forum

Resilient Public Spaces for Healthy Living

Public spaces play an essential role in building resilience in cities and are crucial for urban life to flourish. They represent an opportunity for comprehensive climate adaptation and improved resilience. According to Katherine Peinhardt of the German Development Institute, ‘to successfully work toward a resilient public realm, cities must evolve their practice relating to public spaces in four areas: the ways public spaces are subject to the outcomes of community engagement and how public spaces are designed, programmed, and managed. … It is increasingly clear that the unique role of public spaces in civic life positions them to enhance physical resilience and support the types of interpersonal connections essential to addressing shared challenges like the climate crisis.’ Thus, as a vital part of a city’s physical infrastructure and public realm, public spaces can be physically reinforced to absorb or weather the climate crisis's shocks while contributing to the community's human health. Accordingly, this declared action intends to search for the answers to the following questions through expertise/focus group meetings and scientific events: • What is the role of public space in creating resilient cities? • Can public spaces be designed in such a way that they support better resilience and healthy living in cities? • What is the role of resilient public spaces for healthy living? • How can we promote resiliency and healthy living through public spaces? • Can we create positive transformation and better resilience in cities through the good design of public spaces? • Can public spaces provide networks of resilience through our cities? The results of these meetings will be gathered in a published book. The action also includes launching and carrying out a social-media awareness event on the topic with a sub-theme of "successful public spaces for healthy and resilient environments."
Source: World Urban Forum

Race to Zero

Climate Strategy and Governance , Community Awareness and allocation of simple innovated methods to be used and promoted to Communities , our carbon foot and Net Zero Commitment print is calculated by , normative carbon calculator
Source: World Urban Forum

National Policy for Regional Devlopment

Integrated planning and elaboration of regional and sub-regional development plans to promote cross-sectoral and multilevel policy articulation, aiming at improving long term planning and policy instruments to finance sustainable regional development
Source: World Urban Forum

Reduction of the housing deficit

Updating the National Housing Plan and implementing national strategies to increase access to decent housing, stimulating housing production, land tenure regularization, and housing improvement
Source: World Urban Forum

Universal access to water and sanitation

Implementing regulatory measures and integrated planning of sanitation services to support the achievement of the goals established in the National Sanitation Plan and the SDGs, under the new Legal Framework for Sanitation.
Source: World Urban Forum